Friday, January 6, 2012

Thumbs up for Jersey Boys Theatre Break

Lately it's become more and more important to find some time to get off the computer and go out and have a good time. It's important to travel and clear your mind. Ironically, I came across a site online that was great for pulling me away from the computer for a London Theatre break.

To follow up on my previous review of London Theatre Break, I wanted to review a theatre break I experienced...

My Jersey Boys Theatre Break Experience was awesome
Many of you have probably heard about the hit performance, Jersey Boys. It truly is an amazing rags-to-riches story that will leave you feeling optimistic - like you can do anything. You'll be revived when you return to your dragging career and you'll be motivated to improve yourself. I know I was at least.

The Theatre break setup was great
Aside from Jersey Boys, I had an awesome stay in cute little Soho. The theatre break company set me up with a great hotel, very close to the theatre - so I had time to grab a really nice dinner beforehand. They also helped me find a great restaurant where the foot was amazing. There was a slight issue with the seating at first but the waiter and the manager cleared it up right away and gave us free dessert at the end to make up for the mistake.

Overall it was a great experience. The whole trip was really more than just seeing a show on a whim. It was a smoothly operated setup with a great dinner and theatrical performance.

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