Thursday, September 22, 2011

DirectBuy Review - I would Definitely Buy Again

When I first read about DirectBuy on a messageboard about finding deals online, I was excited. I moved across the country from Florida to New York, and I ended up leaving most of my stuff behind in the move. I spent a long time looking for ways to make buying all new stuff for my apartment less expensive, but before finding Direct Buy I could only find things that would be just okay, instead of things I actually liked and I can afford. I was a little confused about the concept behind DirectBuy, I had never belonged to any sort of retail club before, so I started reading tons of Direct Buy Reviews online. Direct Buy Reviews pretty much come in one of two varieties, Direct Buy Reviews saying they love their local DirectBuy store, or Direct Buy Reviews saying they've moved and can't wait for there to be a Direct Buy close to them again! 

DirectBuy- I'd Buy Again!
I was still a little unsure when I went for my first visit to Direct Buy, I had read a lot online, but just because a person writing a Direct Buy Review was able to save money, didn't mean I would be able to. I saw one Direct Buy review saying to make a list of all the furniture, appliances, electronics and homegoods you would need to buy for the next three years, so that's what I did. When I saw it all written down on paper like that, it made me realize how much money I actually stood to save by becoming a member. That one Direct Buy Review by itself probably saved me thousands of dollars that I would have otherwise wasted at some traditional retail store. 

DirectBuy has made shopping easier for me; I no longer have to spend time taking the subway all over the city just trying to save a little money. Honestly, I couldn' t believe just how great DirectBuy was, considering I thought DirectBuy was a scam at first. But it appears that was actually a direct scam satellite company. I'm so glad I got over my initial paranoia that it was some sort of scam, It ended up being one of the best financial decisions I've ever made. I've told pretty much everyone I know in the area about Direct Buy. (I guess you could say my real Direct Buy Review is how many of my co-workers I have gotten to sign up!) If you are at all interested in saving time and money, DirectBuy is definitely worth checking out if you have one in your area.

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